- 販売主
- 所在地
- 電話番号
- メールアドレス
- 販売責任者
- 商品代金以外の必要料金
Nationwide flat shipping: ¥1,000
* Free shipping for purchases over ¥10,000.
Since it is a personal import from overseas, it may be necessary to pay customs duties and consumption taxes to the delivery company at the time of delivery of the product, and this will be a proxy bill by customs. This site makes it easy to purchase in Japanese, but since it is only a "personal import" purchase from overseas, please understand that customs duties and consumption taxes will be incurred. Please refrain from refusing to receive due to customs duties, consumption taxes, etc.
- 商品代金の支払い時期
・ In the case of bank transfer, payment will be made in advance.
If you do not receive payment within 7 days after placing your order, we will assume that you have no intention of purchasing and your order will be automatically canceled.
・ In the case of credit card or PayPal payment, we will charge the product price at the time of product purchase.
- 注文方法
On the Internet.
- 商品引渡時期
4283 Express Lane
Suite 628-600
Sarasota, FL 34249
PH: (941) 538-6941
We will ship within 7 days from the next day when we confirm the payment. However, if the estimated delivery date of the ordered item is different, it will be shipped after everything is ready.
Since it will be delivered directly to the customer from overseas, it will take about 14-20 days to arrive.
If the package is returned to the sales office due to absence or refusal to receive it, etc., and the storage period (up to 7 days) has passed, the product may be discarded. If you wish to resend it, you will be charged a retransmission fee. In that case, it will be redelivered after the package is returned to overseas by sea, so it may take up to 1 to 2 months to resend it.
United States Address:
4283 Express Lane
Suite 628-600 Sarasota, FL 34249
PH: (941) 538-6941
- お支払い方法
クレジットカード, PayPal, 銀行振込
- 返品・交換について
* We do not accept cancellations of orders, so please be sure to check before ordering. We do not accept returns or exchanges due to customer's convenience, such as making a mistake in the order.
* We cannot accept returns or exchanges due to errors in the monitor, such as the size and color of the product.
* If the product is defective, we will replace it with a non-defective product. If you have any problems with the product you received, please contact us within 7 days of the arrival of the product.
● Regarding packaging, we use simple packaging to reduce the product price.
● If the product is returned due to the customer's convenience, such as refusal to receive it or long-term absence, please bear the round-trip fee for the delivery fee. In addition, regarding retransmission, we will carry out the retransmission procedure by transferring the shipping fee.
- 返品特約に関する重要事項
■ We do not accept cancellations of orders, so please be sure to check before ordering.
■ We do not accept returns or exchanges due to customer's convenience, such as making a mistake in the order.
■ We cannot accept returns or exchanges due to errors in the monitor, such as the size and color of the product.
■ If the product is defective, we will replace it with a non-defective product. If there is a problem with the product you received, please contact us within 7 days of the arrival of the product.
■ Packaging is simple packaging to reduce the product price.
■ If the product is returned due to the customer's convenience, such as refusal to receive it or a long absence, please bear the round-trip shipping fee. In addition, regarding retransmission, we will carry out the resend procedure by transferring the shipping fee.